A Resolution On Increasing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of Underrepresented Voices in the Rhode Island DSA Chapter
The success of the greater socialist project relies on the organization of the working class, regardless of their identities or backgrounds;
The repeated popular perception of both the national DSA organizing in general and Rhode Island DSA in particular is one composed largely of white, college-educated, wealthy, straight cis men;
It benefits the entire Rhode Island DSA chapter to take concrete steps to include more BIPOC, more female, more queer, more trans, and more working-class voices in chapter decision making;
The DSA’s lack of diversity is in large part due to the fact that membership is concentrated among downwardly mobile professionals, and therefore the DSA lacks connection to the broader working class, including black and Latino communities; and
The Rhode Island DSA chapter does not currently maintain any effective accounting of the representation of racial, sexual, gender, income, or education diversity in the makeup of its membership, or have any plan for targeted recruitment and integration of working-class people;
Be it resolved:
The Executive Committee of the Rhode Island DSA chapter shall in the calendar year 2023 develop and deploy a chapter-wide survey to take an accurate accounting of the identity makeup of the chapter;
The Executive committee of the Rhode Island DSA chapter shall publish the results of this survey via chapter-wide email communication no later than the 31st day of January 2024;
The executive committee of the Rhode Island DSA chapter shall use the results of this survey to develop and implement a diversity recruiting and retainment program;
The success of this program will be measured by whether Rhode Island DSA recruits non-credentialed workers, especially women and people of color, who are not already activists; and
The Executive Committee, along with other committee and working group chairs, will immediately begin exploring options for working-class recruitment and inclusion, such as providing Spanish-language accessibility and hosting events geared toward people who are not yet politically engaged.