We’re the Rhode Island chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the country.
Our mission is freedom for all people. The working class deserves quality healthcare and housing, a livable planet, and an end to wars. But we won’t get that as long as the economy and state are controlled by a small group of corporate elites who put profits over everything else.
The only permanent solution is for the working class to take ownership of the economy and manage it democratically for the common good. In one word: socialism.
Rhode Island DSA is building a movement to get us there. We do this on several fronts: by organizing our coworkers to fight the boss in the workplace, by rallying against corporate power with demands like universal healthcare, and by running independent socialist candidates who take on both the Democrats and Republicans. Our goal is to lay the groundwork for a mass socialist party that’s backed by a fighting labor movement.
As part of our mission, Rhode Island DSA aims to be a political home for the working class of Rhode Island. We’re run democratically by our members and funded by dues, not corporate donors or foundation money. Everyone who agrees with our goals is welcome to join.
Our work helps build a worldwide socialist movement that unites the working class of all nations, ends war and imperialism, and fights oppression wherever it’s found.
Join us — we have a world to win!