Our Electoral Committee is currently in the process of gearing up to run an independent candidate for state office. In response to the genocide in Gaza, we also organized the Vote Uncommitted effort in Rhode Island to pressure local, state, and federal leaders to hold Israel accountable. As part of this campaign, we were able to garner thousands of protest votes and secured an Uncommitted delegate to the DNC. We take this as a sign that Rhode Islanders are tired of an undemocratic system and are open to a party that truly reflects the needs of working-class people.

These acts are part of our larger campaign to form an independent working-class party that does not have to compromise with the current capitalist, imperialist two-party system. You can learn more about our strategy here.

Our committee currently meets weekly on Wednesdays at 7pm. You can find specific dates and times on the Events page and in our weekly emails.