We believe that healthcare is a human right and should be free, accessible, and comprehensive for everyone. The current for-profit healthcare industry, with its extreme dysfunction and cruelty, must be replaced with a universal model — one that prioritizes people over profit.

Long-term, we are fighting for a statewide single-payer insurance system that provides healthcare free at the point of service, including:

  1. Full coverage for all medical care (primary care, hospital visits, dental, vision, mental health, etc.)

  2. No copays, premiums, or deductibles

  3. No care is “out of network”

  4. Health insurance is not tied to your job; if you leave your job, you’re still covered!

Short-term, we are running a medical debt relief campaign. Brown University Health enjoys a non-profit tax status but acts like a for-profit corporation. Sign our petition to demand that Brown U. Health:

  1. Forgive medical debt

  2. Provide care without charge.

We can’t rely on politicians to just grant these demands — we need a movement to win them!

Our Healthcare Working Group meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at Red Ink Community Library, starting at 7pm. You can find specific dates on the Events page.